Tuesday, January 17, 2006

“Complete the Sequence, Mr. President.”

“It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.” — D. Brin

Presidential Wannabe Stillson, the ethics-damaged candidate, pits humanity itself against his self-justified thirst for power. No, we never said that we would rather die than live in our current condition, which is described by him as a persistent vegetative state, by others as socially comatose, and still by others as "punged in the head."

In any case, Stillson wants our future in his hands. Citizens are protesting.

Enter the Allied Pungeoning Front. The APF brings this quandary to light, giving citizens standing to have a say in the future. Stillson refuses to grant a temporary restraining order asserting, among other things, that destiny is his.
The real question is this: Who owns the future?

The answer is: our own freewill. And, in a case like this, when successive premonitions spell it all out, does personal morality allow for an appointment of proactive pungeoning to carry out our wishes? Stillson assumes that his destiny trumps ours, but our freewill allows a vehicle to challenge potential dystopic outcomes.

These moral questions weigh heavily. We are forced to choose between the life of one and the lives of millions. In theory the decision is easy, but in practice it terrifyingly sucks balls.

If we don’t focus on our responsibility for the future, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we may soon enough be hearing the phrase...
“Complete the Sequence, Mr. President.”

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