Sunday, March 07, 2021

Bansan-kai at Big City Su-Ran

From the Stratum XXXIII memory the party simply appeared there in Midtown amongst the chrome and electric blue fixtures.
  There was Fuchsia Bolt, Malinconico, “Buzz” Mattelli, Fake Grodin, Kayako Y., the Ice Queen, and several less-than-memorable characters seated at the long table for the awaited utage at Su-Ran’s.
  Fuchsia shared a “shooter” concoction that featured colourful strata of sake, ponzu, and masago. The varying viscosities of contents ensured a clumsy quaff to those who partook. Other sampled fayre included tiger beef (reminiscent of larb), beet & daikon oroshi, and various nigiri.
  “Buzz” had quite the memorable quips of the evening:

• “‘Take on me. Take me on.’ Eighties music definitely belongs in sushi joints.”
• Regarding ikura: “Tiny explosions.”
• “Remember that bass part for a future Fauxtet sketch.”
  Most everyone laughed; the Ice Queen unsurprisingly glared, and Fake Grodin wore a silent but mirthful grin, his brain already pickled since midday.
  Kanpai, y’all!

1 comment:

  1. That little ‘y’all’ touch from Classic City.
