Wednesday, June 22, 2022

“The Doggyblahs” — Fact or Fiction?

Cacophony! The blitz and rumble of Mother Nature’s wrath in conjunction with man’s technical know-how in amplifying music to jet engine levels. It's enough of an earful for mere humans, but how do our four-legged friends deal with assaults on the senses, both natural and unnatural?

Flashback: Stratum V
  “The Doggyblahs — What is it?” postulated Captain Smitt as he paced the front of the classroom. The cadets reflected on this creative writing assignment. A fictional canine malady? What could a dog possibly have ‘the blahs’ about?
  Anthropomorphisation Alert*: Do dogs suffer from depression? Yes, but not the existential ennui internalised by bed-wetting humans of the 21st Century. If a dog is down in the dumps, dammit, the source is external to the hound himself.

Back to the present:
  The dog days [ahem] of summer are here, so that means it’s time for ClassicCityFest. It’s a local celebration of arts and music, but more importantly, it’s an opportunity for all stripes of narcissistic egos dependent on pet props to drag their furry friends to be part of a public spectacle. From Suicide Girl rejects with pink-dyed poodles to overweight gray ponytails with their pittie mix complete with sunnies and dusty bandana, Classic City’s animal owners will proudly be out in force.
  At ClassicCityFest, dogs will relish the opportunity to:
• Enjoy the sensation of molten asphalt scorching their tender paws under the 105°F sun.
• Appreciate the 110-decibel musical stylings of tone-deaf local bands.
• Marvel at the majesty of Earth Mother Gaia as she unleashes the inevitable mid-summer thunderstorms (Cuz dogs luv thunder, amirite?).
  Always thinking ahead, local pet owners are optimistic that the positive experiences of ClassicCityFest will condition their dogs to enjoy the upcoming July 4th fireworks celebrations as well.

*At one point, cooler heads attempted to prevail when Orville Pharmaceuticals came forward with a prototype drug to treat this so-called “Doggyblahs.” (The pathology was never formally acknowledged by the medical establishment.)
  But the pharma giant halted research when they realised the ‘ailment’ was just a negative response to external stimuli rather than an internal psychosomatic conflict. Plus, outcry from progressive circles heavily criticised Orville’s well-meaning intentions.
  “You’re blaming the victim! Plus, there is no victim! The dogs wouldn’t be here if they weren’t enjoying themselves!”
  Unable to counter such impeccable logic, Orville was forced to scrap the product.

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