Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Coloquio de calidad bajo la luz de las estrellas

DATELINE: East Marthasville, Stratum XXVI
  The city streets were a dank smear of colour made sparse, it being la noche de acción de gracias. Stoddard and Veronique slowly pulled into the almost-deserted car park at the Autocine Starlight. They came to a stop as the enormous screen in front of them brightened, highlighting the rivulets of rain drawing down the windshield.
  “Hondonada Somnolienta” was about to begin, but convivial conversation — aided by a bottle of vino tinto — took precedence.
  No one remembers the particulars of the dialogue, but having thoughtful company in a dreary setting was certainly less cringey than the comically sad East Cobb eve one year prior, or even the discussion gone to the dogs back in Stratum XVIII.
  Aprecia tus amistades.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Qui se souviendra de RAIN?

Somewhere near the Irbyville Triangle the headlights reflect off the wet asphalt in a vivid blur as the evening traffic slushes by under the skyglow. Quitely stands there RAIN, with darkened interiors bathed in violet neon, projecting its beguiling presence into the damp night.
  Down the pike from Irbyville, the Elmgrove Square facility lords over the vast car parks of the area. On the upper levels, high above the chrome and plaster of the aires de restauration, stands RAIN. The picture window here is illumed in purple neon as well. Mysterious and inviting.
  The starkness of each botica lures the eyes of modes nouvelle vague devotees of the Stratum XI-XII timeslice, inspiring social opportunities to bedizen their own idiosyncracies for show, from Primavera Avenue to the Ponce and onward.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Applied Atavism for 2024

The Orville Corporation's Applied Atavism Programme for 2024 currently uses SARC proxy protocols from 2000 with updated frame codes for volitional physiotyping applications.