Saturday, August 23, 2014

Excerpt: The Fountain at Eryth

Gutts, J. (1973). The Fountain at Eryth. Heritageville: Orville (out of print).
[The] Fountain at Eryth Field triumphed over the old car park... which was an ancient athletic field to begin with. Venivi ad meum primordium sicut circulus.

Denarii were cast forth in the very first seconds of the new millennium under brisk moonlight — a mild gesture of velleity at the time.

Centuries later pfennigs were tossed thither for a much more heartfelt Gebet, the recipients of such wished fortune fraternal antipodeans struggling in the age-old throes of youthful stultification.

“O, mere wish and coper mixid, koude bringe but mirth and blessinge to those so far...”

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