Saturday, July 08, 2023

Unexplained Anomalies of Dementia III

Gaghtagoghi Kit’arrahar Not’inghemits’

i) Come evening during the Days of Indian Maize, Gass-Boy and Ian roam incognito the Nottingham Weg. A crack vocalisation turns the duo’s heads to gasp at the sight of a hairy dude with a guitar strapped to his back. The figure bounded through Weasel’s yard into the dark wood up to Mystery Hill.

Vilson Chanaparhi Ant’ropoid

ii) Wandering the Jalan Wilson ’hood of the Messac relocation, Malinconico spies a tree-bound anthropoid puttering about with hand-fashioned tools, ignoring his 20th century surroundings.

Sevazgest Tghamardik?

iii) After an evening sesh at The Häag, Stoddard makes an Uchū Gomi jaunt to Nrbablit Haus via The 285. En route, a black Lincoln approaches from behind to tailgate proximity. Its main beam headlamps filled the rear-view mirror with a white harshness. Was that shudder actually bumper contact?

Explicatio: Even in Dementia III, aberrational events can usually be explained away as either bulldada, Ansark’ut’yun Matrits’ayum (Matrix Glitches), or the black ops of some unknown entity. Freaky episodes that are divergent from standard D.III Inexplicables are often Quantum Venn Overlaps or Causal Rule Offenders, and dedicated contingency teams are at the ready to deal with these issues remotely or up close and personal.

Nota bene: Anomalistic instances as such are disparate, and any conjunctional conclusions may be disregarded as subjective validation.

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