Friday, October 08, 2021

Retro Tech: Tactical Psionic Devices
of the Early Strata

Back in the heady days of yore before the rise and fall of the BubbaCabal, Tactical Psionic Devices were even more primitive than what we take for granted today.
  Strata IX-XI were the days before TPD’s were equipped with Sheva brainwave sensors, so basic ghee-factor Psi-Scan modules were still commonplace hardware in most Remote Pungeoning Consoles at the time.
  In addition to featuring Psi-Scan modules, early TPD’s like the Model 311 featured Random Caste Allocators and Egotic Excisors for cases of Ego Ennui. Psychic Detrusor modules were also a popular add-on option.
  KT Leaguers and other technocrats would often utilise the devices against khoogs and Pink Boys in addition to the usual defensive memetics they deployed. [Un]fortunately, they ceased using the TPD-311 after careless misuse rendered clench members pungled with frontal lobe issues sometime after the first Vindaloo Weekend.
  The Orville Corporation made definite improvements in safety and high fidelity functions and released the improved “Land Mind” model TPD introduced during the Rev. Resbo Era [Strata XIX-XXVII].

1 comment:

James Higham said...

Psionic devices? I want one now.