Thursday, January 26, 2006

Human Chum

Throwing Our Blood 'n Guts Potential to the Wind and Sea...
Self-Fulfilling Fatalism...

The Sea Ostrich with its head in the bilge, hand-wringing over every lil' ripple felt in th' ocean...

Making fountains out of blowholes, imagining anything that bubbles to the surface to be a benevolent Free Willie -- and, whence not, assumes it the Nihilistic Mako -- the worst.

In this light, the plebe must see the Old Tar's Lack of Faith as the projection of Self-Doubt -- his own crusty impotence cast upon those before him.

Indeed, 'tis a blind damnation that should motivate the best of us to force naysayers to walk the Proverbial Plank -- to become thine own Human Chum...

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