Sunday, September 19, 2021

Cue for the Flavours: Assortment δ

“Remember that time we were all at that restaurant and Chief ordered pink lemonade? Everyone just looked at him like ‘WTF?’ and he cringed and just muttered, ‘Jeezus…’”
House Brand Grape Soda: This is the can, man. Another essence (along with the attendant Wurzelbier and Birkenbier) hearkens back to the waning summer weekend at Lac des Cloches.
And speaking of grape, ‘The Gardener’ would enjoy Traubensaft with old Mrs Corbett on her porch as they both wondered about the fortuities of life. When he returned and was notified that she had passed away, he asked, “Was she a hunnert years old?” to which her son replied, “Yes.”

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