Eduíno y Arnoldo miran la desolación
que una vez llevaban sus nombres
Deben derramar una lágrima
como los Cheroqui antes que ellos
So springtime rolls around and it’s time for Block Party LXXV, of which Mrs Nuveti is quick to volunteer to organise. Neighbourhood invitations, food and bev, entertainment — she was happy to coordinate everything.
The day of the block party arrived and the cul-de-sac was filled with picnic tables, simmering grills, and families enjoying themselves. Save for one small incident involving a furley youngster and a watermelon, the party was a success.
Or was it? Many attending noticed a striking omission: the Orbinson’s — a friendly family from Jamaica — were nowhere to be seen. Even more disturbing was that the main hubbub of the party was directly in front of the Orbinson’s very house.
What an embarrassment.
Was this just an innocent lapse on Mrs Nuveti’s part? Did she ‘just forget’ to invite the Orbinson’s?
Doubtful. The Orbinson’s literally lived next door to Mrs Nuveti.
Were Large Leonard to attend the party, there is no doubt he would not be impressed.