Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Behind the Squares

Smirk for the camera
Sob story as press release
Sing the litany of wrongs with the violin backdrop
All the right angles of a well-woven plaint form a bathos polygon that paints you a saint

And jeez -- that's what you did.

Sage advice from Ann Flanders:
"You made your bed; now you have to sh*t in it."

'How the world wronged you' you want everyone to hear, but what's all too clear: you're flinging dung at a mirror.

So 'behind' the scenes...
we witness the butt-cracks of celebrity 'brave' enough to show their ass without realizing it.
"Read it!" the checkout rags force all
and so housewives savor each morsel
like retards eating boogers
soft news clotted with sugar

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