Upon arrival at Tech the group stared up at the cylindrical, windowless structure. Stoddard beamed in awe.
The 5-megawatt heavy-water-cooled research reactor was known for producing the finest of epithermal neutron beams. The ‘Techno’s’ felt quite privileged to be granted access.
Inside the containment building, a tour of the operations floor and control room commenced.
At the shielded window of a nearby hot cell hung a pair of telefactor arms. (An inspiration for a future Orville™ project, perhaps?)
After a thorough review of the facility, old Professor Auensen piped up: “All this radiation is making me hungry!”
The Techno’s made a quick jaunt over to the Gri CV for a midday repast [Glorified Steak, Ring One, and an F.O. for Master S.]. The field-service-style paper caps given out were a hit with the group, and were quite different from the Tyvek® variety worn at the reactor.
As the bus cruised under the bright sun back to the academy, Prof. Auensen realised the day was only half over. How to kill time?
“Hey everyone, who feels like ice cream?”
And so the bus pulled up to the Piazza Mercato del Traghetto del DiGiovanni where the students and Techno’s filed out and marched into the Gelateria del Barone Biskin for refreshments.
After enjoying a satisfying scoop of “Irish Meadows” (though it was inferior to the homemade version at Creamy’s), Stoddard popped in next-door to Trulet’s Music Shoppe.
In the cut-out bin sat a Stereo-8 cartridge by The NĂ¼ Hotdog Hour Trio. A score for any music aficionado.
The bus trundled back to the academy and the remainder of the school day was spent recounting the day’s events.
Afterwards Master Stoddard made his way over to the West Bank to share his musical find with Son of Smiling Walt.
Un grande giorno: Radiazioni… gelati… canzoni…
What’s not to like?