For Young Merbos, what began as a recruitment phone call received whilst enjoying coffee at the Gristle turned into a decade-long voyage aboard the vessel Reverend Resbo. A voyage that began on smooth seas, but unraveled over the years with mutinies, derelictions, and a succession of captains from the incompetent to the Queeg-like.
Until one day, the opportunity to jump ship afforded itself to Merbos. And jumped he did at this chance.
And so, a silent goodbye to his quarters. A silent nod farewell to the remaining ghost crew. A steady final stride down the passageway. A cascade of memories: the success and failures... the high adventures and the doldrums...
He opened the hatch and took a step out the gangway.

...The things learned over a 10-stratum span...
Another step.
...A simple sense of purpose for helping keep a ship afloat...
Each descending step...
...Survival. Accomplishment. Even pride...

A commencement of sorts...