Friday, February 28, 2020
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Monday, February 17, 2020
UAP Election 2020:
A Dark Horse Emerges

The Ugandoid Autonomous Prefecture 2020 election for Grand Gouvernor is now under way, now that Jayden Gutts (nephew of Orville CEO Johnny Gutts) has cast his insouciant hat into the lot.
There has been much whispering among local elders that the Gutts candidacy might lead to a backslide into corruption not seen since the days of BubbaCabal occupation. Though Gutts has weak ties to the APF, elders are not convinced of his bona fides.
“Idol Twiga Mtudada tells us Young Gutts walks in different footsteps than Bwana Johnny,” say elders from Entebbe.
Into the spotlight steps Chukwuma “Chuks” M’bwe’bwe from the upstart United Rally for Pan-Ugandoid Renewal party (URPUR). M’bwe’bwe stands by the original UAP Liberation Intention of Johnny Gutts and the APF in their ’90’s ousting of BBACBL.
“UAP is ripe to maintain its liberated stance! Johnny showed us the way! Say ‘no’ to busy-body nephews!” exclaimed M’bwe’bwe at a recent campaign stop.
URPUR is a coalition party made up of APF operatives gone native, former PATU partisans, and UTT dissidents.
Late brother Jomo Ndeki M’bwe’bwe is remembered for playing a large part in helping spirit Wakili Kuku and the APF those decades ago. He also improved Idol Access to citizens by ending the foreign meddling at Kanisa Fuju Temple.
“Chuks” M’bwe’bwe promises to carry on that torch for all UAP citizens.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Tuesday, February 04, 2020
Orville to Bring Recruiters
to Area Job Faire

The Orville Corporation has announced that it will be bringing a team of recruiters to the upcoming Heritageville Job Faire in February.
Job seekers will find a host of exciting opportunities at this free job faire. Many employers from both public and private sectors will be present but Orville itself will lend great presence to this expo.
Orville’s main employment focus will be on PsyOps Recruitment, though they will also feature job opportunities from such other fields as Applied Custom Genetics, Pungeonary Franchising, Culture Transition Services, Primate Therapy, and Lifestyle Marketing.
Come dressed to impress and bring copies of your CV!
Saturday, February 01, 2020
UAP 2020 Election
Candidate Sanction Notice

UTT confident that new candidate will help guide idol volitions of temple strictures with tribes’ benedictus.