Monday, July 15, 2024

The GTFO of Dodge Restorative

“Hit the road to clear those cobwebs,” Johnny Gutts once advised some surly furlies to shake off their lingering funk.
  “An effective remedium,” they learned first-hand.

Stratum XV: Vers l’ouest, maintenant!

Noach, Brojoe and Stoddard headed westward into the sunset.
  A night in the Alibamons was spent at The Fo’ screening Pénitencier Trois amidst the congregation’s raucous engagement.
  The next day the trio made it to the edgewaters of the Atchafalaya Basin by noon. A lone houseboat quietly creaked as Uncle Crowley stepped out onto the deck welcoming the guests aboard. The quarters inside were a time capsule: dingy wood paneling, yellowed contents of picture frames, and dusty tchotchkes.
  Uncle Crowley led the men to a small skiff with a trolling motor and they pushed off into the bayou. They silently glided through the cypress maze as the afternoon sun streamed through the leafy canopy. Visuals became chrono-enhanced upon shroomage eventuation. Lutetian flashbacks evinced the timelessness of the quags that were ever thus. Here and there mudbug fishermen were stationed in this impossible map of the dank morass.
  Hours later found the group back at the houseboat where they again hit the road.
  In La Faieta, Mémé Arcegno treated the fellows to écrevisse and live music at the Belisarius. A boudin p’tit dej fortified them for the day’s jaunt to the Vieux Carré.
  Arriving in the thick of Carnival, the clamouring crowds were a notable contrast from yesterday’s soundless swamps. The urge to mope at the nearest dive was soon quashed by icy ouragons and protoxyde d’azote.
  The cobwebs had finally been removed.

Other itinerant correctives of note:
• Pipo Spanno’s Stratum XXIII journey to Lago Plateado.
• Stoddard’s Stratum XXIII power tubing at 65 kph on Lac Ste. Clare certainly cleared some cobwebs.

“GTFO while you can,” Johnny Gutts well reminds us.

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